Yining Zhang

Design Futures (MDes)


Yining Zhang is a product designer and future strategist. She is passionate about exploring systematic service design and eager to deliver user-centred designs and concepts. Her design work is not only limited to products and physical forms but also includes digital media, interaction design, user experience, etc. She is committed to creating greater design value. During her Master of Design Futures studies at the Royal College of Art, Yining Zhang became increasingly engaged in strategic planning and speculative design. She specialises in interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary work, using design as a guiding force in addressing challenges and shaping the future.

Preschool education is a crucial part of China’s educational development, yet there is a noticeable gap in animal welfare education within the current system. Looking ahead to China’s 2035 educational development goals, preschool education will integrate more intelligent technology, innovating and enhancing educational methods. Based on this trend, this project leverages virtual reality technology to create a vivid, interactive, and educational virtual animal game world. Through a series of designed educational activities, children can learn about animal welfare in a safe and eco-friendly environment while also improving skills such as logical thinking, teamwork, and creativity.

The project design includes not only virtual animal welfare games but also a preschool education mechanism, encompassing a children’s educational activity manual. This manual offers various engaging and educational activities to help children consolidate their knowledge through practice. The design considers both teachers’ and children’s perspectives, providing teachers with detailed teaching guides and resources while offering children a rich learning experience to ensure comprehensive educational outcomes.

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