Zhijun Dong

Jewellery & Metal (MA)


Zhijun Dong graduated from the Oil Painting program at the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) and later pursued further studies in Jewelry & Metal at the Royal College of Art (RCA). As an artist working in both painting and jewelry design, her shift in focus has led her to explore the relationship and transformation between two-dimensional planes and three-dimensional forms.

The work “For 4,” completed in 2024, looks like a blue-tinted painting, but it is actually a fusion of wearable jewelry and graphic art. The piece reflects Dong’s exploration of stories, materials, and meanings in the history of jewelry as learned through her museum visits. By combining three-dimensional ornaments with two-dimensional painting, Dong investigates the coexistence and transformation of decoration and functionality, while also examining the boundaries between pure art and applied design.

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