
Zhibing Tan is a mixed media artist inspired by nature, hailing from Yixing, Jiangsu provience, China, and born in 1999. Her love and exploration of nature have been a consistent theme in her creations. Initially, when she began her studies at RCA, Zhibing planned to continue her creative career as a knitwear designer, which she had pursued for the past three years. However, living in London exacerbated her anxiety disorder, often making it difficult for her to breathe. To address this issue, she began exploring Vipassana meditation.

During the mid-term break of her master’s program, Zhibing traveled to Wat Ram Poeng in Chiang Mai, Thailand, for a ten-day meditation retreat. The time spent at the monastery not only helped alleviate her anxiety but also provided her with profound insights and rich inspiration. Upon returning to London, she taught herself wet felting and, within just two months, created the wool felt series “Seeing, Seeing, Seeing.” Through this project, her personal creative identity underwent a significant transformation.

Zhibing’s work aims to heal the human soul through the use of natural materials. She skillfully combines techniques such as wet felting, sewing, and crochet to create unique artworks. In the future, she hopes to continue exploring and deepening these aspects of her identity, with the goal of promoting spiritual healing and naturalism, further establishing and reinforcing her distinctive style in the field of textile art.

Through her work, Zhibing is dedicated to conveying a message of tranquility and harmony, aiming to bring inner peace and a connection to nature to people in modern society.

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