Yuqing Geng 耿雨晴

MRes RCA (MRes)


Yuqing (Ria) Geng, born in 1999, is a graphic and speculative designer based in London and Shenzhen. Her work primarily focuses on speculative and brand design, emphasizing the cultural, emotional, and ethical implications of emerging technologies. Yuqing’s research delves into the potential impact of genetic enhancement technologies on parent-child relationships in future Chinese families, exploring the complex interactions between traditional family values, societal expectations, and technological advancements.

During her time at the Royal College of Art, Yuqing shaped her design practice through critical making, dialogue, experimentation, and a collaborative interdisciplinary environment. She engaged in strategies and frameworks to facilitate dialogues between research and practice, using models of exchange and experience to draw attention to “wicked problems.”

Her recent work focuses on designing brand interaction systems and models to explore the application of genetic enhancement technologies in Chinese families. Her research methods include speculative and brand design, creating fictional brands and future scenarios to illustrate the potential impacts of technology. She also incorporates public engagement to gather diverse perspectives, enriching her research content and outcomes.



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