
Cat Catalyst is a London-born artist, designer, spoken word performer, writer, curator, book-artist, deep-thinker and advocate for the return of Matriarchal values in society, as a methodology to restore social fusion and communal cohesion.

With a strong focus on the redemptive potential of the arts and humanities to elevate human consciousness, Cat’s work encompasses a wide range of mediums including photography, the Artist’s Book, spoken word and digital arts.

Cat is known for her hypnotic poetic visions and epic metaphysical manifestos, in addition to having written articles for renowned establishments and publications, with work showcased at various events, including the Tate, and the London Underground.

Cat believes that the true role of the artist is not only to create art, but also to serve as a conduit for communicating personal insights and universal truths pertaining to the shared human condition. Cat loves to break down complex social and spiritual concepts, into easy-to-digest bite-sized chunks that contribute to a wider perspective. Cat also regards art and poetry as a spiritual practice and a social responsibility, with the potential to inspire new thought processes that promote social change.

Cat’s art and research have previously explored themes of memory, identity and the materiality of the artist’s book, creating a visual language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers, resonating with a wide audience. Various iterations of Cat’s Artist’s Bookworks are collected by notable UK Special Collections of Artist’s Books, such as The British Library, The Wellcome Library, The Women’s Art Library and The Tetley Arts Center.

Cat often refers to her literary art as noetic poetics, or info-poems, a large portion of which are didactic by nature, designed to gently remind the reader that that the real purpose of existence is love and that we are primarily immortal spiritual-beings having a temporary physical-experience, (rather than physical beings embarking upon random spiritual experiences), as one’s true identity is always as a non-physical, spiritual-being of energy, frequency and vibration first, and human second. This nonphysical component of our identity is what constitutes the ‘Direct-Extension-of-Source-Energy’, part of who we all are; the soul-spark of loving consciousness that unites all beings all as one, upon a never-ending journey-of-expansion, learning how to become ‘masters-of-alignment’ with Source-Energy (love), with no one above us, and no one below.

Cat is currently furthering her practice at the Royal College of Art, London.

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