Michael Gurhy

MRes RCA (MRes)


“Gurhy’s work is small-scale but potent in terms of emotion. His work addresses youth culture but evokes a knowledge of the unforeseen, of premonition.”
— Frances Morris, Head of Collections International Art, Tate Modern, and Enrique Juncosa, Director, Irish Museum of Modern Art

My artistic practice is deeply rooted in extensive research across disciplines such as art history, fashion, and cinema, culminating in a new iconography that challenges established narratives. Situated at the intersection of art history, queer theory, and psychoanalysis, my interdisciplinary approach encompasses installation, works on paper, video, and sculpture.

During my time on the Masters of Research programme at the Royal College of Art, my research has focused on queering the iconography of the Salpêtrière and hysteria. By delving into historical representations and medical discourse surrounding hysteria, I have employed materials like porcelain and bronze to craft sculptural works. These creations reimagine the hysterical arch as a symbol of protest and rebellion.

Career Highlights

  • Selected for the Soho Fellowship Programme by Soho House, London, with work acquired as part of their permanent collection.
  • Awarded Arts Council England’s Project Grant (2020) and Developing Your Creative Practice Funding (2021).
  • Received the Crawford Open Artist Award, selected from over 750 applicants by Frances Morris and Enrique Juncosa.
  • Honored with the Installation/Video Award from the Cork Film Centre.
  • Won the U.C.C. Purchase Prize, selected by the Glucksman Gallery for the University College Cork Collection.
  • Awarded the Arts Festival Prize by the Cork Institute of Technology.

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