Jack Fixsen
The place of industry in London is diminishing. Like many riverside outskirts of London, Deptford’s Creekside was once a bustling hub of trade, commerce and industrial processes. The street is now home to a handful of maker studios that occupy former mills, garages and office blocks, though these are facing increasing threats from homogenous and towering residential developments. The project speculates on what a place-sensitive development could look like, with a realistic proportion of work spaces and social residences. Taking inspiration from Deptford’s market culture, the spectacle of work is brought into public view and market frontages provide a local outlet of made products to each new studio space. This part of London thrives on reuse, so the project uses the primary-coloured corrugated metal of other local industrial buildings up for demolition as its material palette. Here, a new market is created, celebrating the work and objects made on Creekside.
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