
Yue grew up in Chongqing, China, and studied painting for over six years before graduating with a BFA in Environmental Art Design from Xiamen University. She moved to London two years ago to study architecture at RCA. Last year, she explored spaces of innovation with ADS10, focusing on the territorial and identity conflicts faced by migrant workers in big cities. Her project proposed the reuse of abandoned unfinished buildings as co-constructed affordable housing, embodying individual identity traits in the texture of vertical villages.

The interaction between different groups of people and spaces across various scales, contexts, narratives, and natural environments is the central driving force behind Yue’s design practice. She views architecture as a vessel to explore the diverse ways of human existence in different scenarios. Adaptive architectural design carries the responsibility of positively transforming communities, collectives, cultures, histories, and addressing the climate crisis. In 2024, with ADS5, she explored the ‘living conservation’ of religious heritage Buddhist Grottoes, proposing a ‘rebirth’ community that emphasizes the connection between monuments and people, transforming protective enclosures from a product to a process, from a noun to a verb, while also being carbon negative and cost-efficient.

Yue enjoys intervening in design through the creation of visual scenes and has a keen interest in various types of design.

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