Kangqing Feng

Interior Design (MA)


The project is a public bathhouse and charity bakery space that provide specifically for homeless people. Through field research and interviews with people, I decided to overlap two spaces with completely different attributes. While providing the homeless with a hot bath and a bakery job that can help them return to normal society, I also overlapped the activity space of the homeless with that of the public, encouraging interaction between the homeless and the public and helping them return to the public eye. I took “OVERLAP” as the central concept of the project design. This design method is to create multifunctional areas in the space so that different activities and uses can coexist. I inserted the bakery space and bathhouse space used by homeless into the public dining area diagonally, so that they have a larger contact surface and can see each other better, thus encouraging interaction and communication between people. Breaking the isolated working or living state of homeless people when using the space, better achieve the social significance of this space. At the same time, in the spatial design, Overlap makes the different functional areas visually coherent and unified, creating a harmonious whole.

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