Sam Joseph

Interior Design (MA)



Sam Joseph is a multidisciplinary designer and artist, specialising in spatial narratives with an MA in Interior Design from the Royal College of Art and a graduate of Central Saint Martins in Fashion and Communication. Sam’s work critically explores the repurposing of spaces in response to social and environmental needs with a strong focus on gender-based violence. Her practice is rooted in over 20 years of experience including education, across multiple creative disciplines, drawing from film, photography, and the use of lighting to evoke emotional atmospheres. Sam’s work seeks to draw attention to societal issues which are often overlooked or hidden – challenging conventional interior design perceptions through contribution for public discourse. By blending traditional methods with new technologies, Sam’s work creates immersive experiences which encourage viewers to rethink their relationship with the world. Sam uses her challenges of neurodivergence  and visual impairment as catalysts for creativity and inspiring meaningful change through her art and design practice. 


Thesis Project: Why Did(n’t) You Leave?  Awarded the RCA School of Architecture Climate/Spatial Justice Prize 2024,

Project exhibited RCA SuperReuse, Milan Design Week, Interdependence, Designing Relationships April 2024

Project researches the relationship between violence and inequality, revealing the systemic devaluation of women’s lives.  Despite legislative efforts globally, gender inequality persists due to entrenched patriarchal systems, perpetuating discrimination, and violence against women.

Why Did(n’t) You Leave?, is a powerful and meaningful project which aims to highlight the significance of creating empowering environments for survivors of domestic abuse. It advocates for societal change and increased funding to support women and marginalised groups in urban environments. Central to the project is the repurposing of a former factory on Gillender Street, London, into a safe transitional  home, community education centre and art gallery addressing societal norms and gender based violence. Why Did(n’t) You Leave? challenges the notions of design including utilising analogue and digital deconstructed, blended methodologies and critiques both patriarchy and gentrification, promoting a care centred approach to urban planning. By prioritising the needs of all members of society, especially those most vulnerable to foster truly inclusive and equitable cities on a global scale.

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