
Preety Dhomeja is a fashion designer, and mixed-media artist based in London.

Her work focuses on the experiences of living as a minority and advocating for marginalized communities. Preety’s unconventional approach to materials allows her to explore the transformation from 2D surfaces to 3D forms, creating innovative and thought-provoking pieces that challenge conventional norms.

In addition to her work as a fashion designer, Preety has served as a style advisor, helping clients express their individuality through personalized fashion choices. Her deep understanding of fashion trends and personal style has enabled her to guide clients in discovering their unique voices in fashion.

Preety is also a dedicated art and design educator. She has worked as a art and design lecturer developing curricula that emphasize the cultural and social dimensions of fashion and design. Her workshops on textile manipulation, sustainable practices, and conceptual design encourage students to think critically about the impact of their work on society and the environment.

Throughout her career, Preety has been involved in numerous projects that highlight her dedication to social justice through art.

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