
Hello, I’m Xinyue Qin, I’m from  Shanghai, China. As an illustrator, I have a deep love for vivid colors and landscape paintings, which reflect my passion for capturing the beauty and intensity of the world around us. Beyond my art, I am also a feminist, advocating for gender equality in my personal and professional life.

Living in London has profoundly impacted my perspective, particularly regarding my identity. This experience has inspired me to create artworks that explore the Chinese Diaspora. My art includes the moments of conflict between collectivism and individualism, illustrating the tension between these two cultural paradigms. Additionally, I often address the feelings of not belonging, a sentiment that many immigrants can relate to, as well as the subtleties of microaggressions that are part of daily life.

Despite these challenges, my journey of self-exploration and artistic development continues. I am constantly seeking new directions and ways to express my evolving identity through my art. My work is a testament to my ongoing quest to understand myself and the world I inhabit, and I hope to inspire others who are on a similar path.

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