Tania Herman

Ceramics & Glass (MA)



Tania Herman is a Tokyo-based visual artist with a focus on sculpture and painting. She began her art education in academic drawing and painting during early childhood. While her career initially diverged from art, she continued her drawing practice and returned to art full-time in 2011.

She holds a Master’s degree in Ceramics and Glass from Royal College of Art, London. In 2021 she completed two years of research at The Tajimi City Pottery Design and Technical Centre (Ishoken), Japan, which was supported by Gendaibijyutsu Bunka Shinko Zaidan Scholarship, Kyoto, Japan.

She has been a member of International Academy of Ceramics (IAC) since 2023.

Having an interest in psychology and philosophy, Tania investigates complex human experiences related to life ambiguity and subjectivity of perception. Her practice is rooted in the belief that ‘what was once hidden, should become visible’.

Artist statement

In sculpture I express my attitude towards things I notice in myself and others, specifically reflecting on human behaviors and adaptation mechanisms. I depict whatever it is behind the human appearance by deconstructing, observing, and reconstructing my findings in a human shape. Being neurodivergent I see my practice as a way to better connect with myself and others, and to process my experiences of unfitting in society. 

I explore the dark sides of our existence such as repressed emotions, desires, abjection, love, loss, empathy, and other complex human experiences. I am interested in the drivers and consequences of human actions. When people see my work, I want them to face their sensitivity and vulnerability, and to acknowledge their feelings.


Website: taniaherman.com

Instagram: tania.herman

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