Yuna Kim

Ceramics & Glass (MA)


Yuna Kim (b. 1996)

Yuna Kim is a glass artist specializing in kiln-formed glass. She completed her MA in Ceramics & Glass at the Royal College of Art in 2024, following a BFA in Glass and Ceramic Design from Namseoul University in 2021. Based between London and Seoul, Yuna is passionate about her artistic practice and actively explores exhibition opportunities and collaborations on a global scale.

Yuna is currently based in a studio in London, focusing on exhibitions and commissioned projects. She is open to collaborations with galleries, exhibitions, and museums, and is keen on exploring global residency and workshop opportunities.

She was awarded the Royal College of Art x Pilchuck Glass School Partner Scholarship and will be attending Pilchuck Glass School Session 5: Story Keeping in August 2024


Yuna Kim is particularly captivated by the interplay of light and shadows as they traverse through glass, giving rise to intricate visual narratives. Her creative process is predominantly influenced by the wonders of nature, with its organic forms and inherent beauty serving as a rich source of inspiration. Through her work, Yuna aims to express her interpretation of nature using the transparency of glass, vibrant hues, and imagery that conveys a sense of fragility.


Instagram: @yunakimglass




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