Caroline Rolf

Contemporary Art Practice (MA)


Caroline Rolf (b. Cambridge, UK) is a multi-disciplinary artist who lives and works in London.

Caroline works with abstraction and slowness through film, music, performance, drawing, objects and writing, questioning hierarchies and searching for ways to heal our connections with ourselves and others from the effects of abuse of power.

Preoccupied with identity, misrepresentation, the overlooked, and how we can embrace ourselves as continually evolving shapeshifting organisms, Caroline’s process researches and explores the body technology through experimenting with improvisational somatic dance and sensory awareness, including sound.

These practices operate as a method of resistance, developing self-knowledge through slowing down and healing the harmful effects of systemic oppression on the body, including capitalist acceleration and the policing of imposed categories of identity.

The Dance Traces spiralled and emerged slowly through dancing and observing the trails left by snails early each morning on the garden path.

The films morph between abstraction and representation. The liquid, circular imagery evokes Cymatics (Jenny) or the Rorshach Test ink blots inviting the viewer to engage with their own responses and perhaps connect to something outside of the system for a moment.


Image of artist © Qibai Ting

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