Luki Shai

Contemporary Art Practice (MA)


Born and raised in Tokyo, Japanese international Luki (b.1999) pushes the boundary of images through experimental techniques. At the core of his practice is his interest towards the image medium and philosophical concepts of Objects. His Image Objects investigates the facade of reality and nature. Why does one perceive an image of an object same to a real-life object and why should this matter in contemporary times? At a time where we are more exposed to representations of nature than to nature itself, Luki insists on the importance of distinguishing the two. He speculates, the inadequate representation of nature can lead to a lack of ecological awareness and advocates that mere digital images are insufficient for it to be a replica of nature. His Image Objects are often highly confrontational due to its given material property and situatedness. He aims to situate objects in a setting discerning a sense of correlation between the surface of the image and its physical properties. Bringing philosophical thinking into material practice, Luki aims his Image-Objects to be uncanny yet sensually convincing.

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