
Contemporary Art Practice (MA)


Tina Huang(b.2000), a London-based artist, Her work explores themes of feminism, identity, culture, and emotion, delving into the complexities of human relationships. She draws inspiration from societal dynamics and the impact of culture on modern human thought. Tina uses a variety of media, including painting, photography, installation, and video. She particularly enjoys using natural materials and everyday objects, grounding her work in the reality of daily life while also infusing it with a sense of intimacy and familiarity. Throughout her early works, Tina discussed gender and cultural identity, exploring the oppression of women in patriarchal societies as well as the roles and challenges of women in different cultures. She was deeply influenced by Chizuko Ueno’s writings.​In recent years, Tina has become more concerned with reflections on her personal experiences, exploring the connection between women’s health and emotions, intimate relationships, and the hidden oppression of women by culture from a female perspective. She presents her personal story through her work, which also echoes the gender and cultural issues prevalent in society. Tina enjoys observing human emotions and collective trauma and incorporating these observations into her work. She aims to reveal and explore these complex layers of emotion, provoking deep reflection on collective memory and cultural identity. Through her art, she hopes people can collectively examine and heal these emotional traumas and oppressions.

MA Contemporary Art Practice, Royal College of Art, 2023-2024

BA(Hons)Fine Art, Chelsea College of Arts(UAL),2020-2023

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