Marta Szurmiej

History of Design (MA)


Marta Szurmiej, a dedicated design history researcher with a background in product design, delves into the intricate phenomena she observes in everyday life—particularly those that are indispensable to her existence as a woman. Her scholarly passion centers around women’s and gender studies. She is deeply fascinated by the multifaceted ways in which female experiences intersect with governmental policies, societal norms, medical practices, and design. Moreover, Marta seeks to unravel the strategic marketing strategies employed to reach women.

In her practice, Marta examines the contemporary landscape for women and individuals with uteruses, tracing the origins of their experiences. By doing so, she aims to comprehend how these experiences shape identities and influence societal roles.

Her dissertation The Bloody Narrative: How the advertising of period products has contributed to designing the experience of menstruation focuses on the advertising of menstruation technologies, exploring how companies navigate long-standing taboos associated with menstruation while appealing to potential customers.

Marta has been part of the accessibility team for the student-led symposium i❤ things,  held at the V&A in July 2024.

Instagram: @marta_szurmiej

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