Mia Vilcins

Jewellery & Metal (MA)


Mia creates contemporary curiosities and wearable jewellery using a variety of materials and techniques, including silversmithing, lapidary, embroidery, and assemblage.

Playing with the notion of value, Mia uses precious metals and gemstones alongside objects that have been thrifted, gifted, and collected, layering history and nostalgia into familiar yet enigmatic forms.

Much of Mia’s work features creatures and characters, giving personality, and sometimes movement, to the miniature sculptures and art objects.

Mia’s work also reflects on language, utilising word play, and reflecting on the origin and lost meaning of phrases and idioms in our day to day lexicon.

A lover of historical objects that tell of social history, Mia is inspired by Wunderkammer, Automata, mementos, and fashion accessories, bringing these inspirations into whimsical items intended to bring moments of joy and wonder to the wearer and viewer.

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