Sara Katherine Jacobson

Jewellery & Metal (MA)


The body of work that I have created during my time studying at the Royal College of Art has been greatly personal to me. I designed jewellery that is sensory, jewellery that alters the stasis of the wearer. My ambition is for the pieces to be able to calm, soothe and ground.

This aim birthed the collection, Friends.

To me, friends represent these qualities: they are intertwined with us and they are alive. The pieces hold the potential for interaction, through the use of sound, play and movement within the piece and around the body. Through this, we can connect with these adornments and objects on a more intimate level as they become embodied through their use and repetitive movements inevitably speaking back to us.  The communication happens between our body, embedding soul itself into the piece and therefore communicating back to us, creating a closed circuit of ‘self-information.’  The sensory nature innately induced calm, play and anxiety reduction.  They are a marriage of fine jewellery and the functionality of a stress ball. 

I follow the philosophy, ‘form follows feeling.’

With love,




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