
Shuyu ( b.2001) is a contemporary jewellery artist from China who studied jewellery at the Beijing University of Technology for four years. She focuses on exploring metals with professional skill and excellent creative ability.

She is interested in the relationship between the individual and society, capitalism and the consumer. She believes that once a person’s basic needs are met, capitalism and consumer pressures can lead to an obsession with visual self-presentation. So people always look in the mirror to make sure they look good, often triggering a state of anxiety.

The discarded cans repurposed in the works are a waste product of capitalism, a symbol of overconsumption – branded sugar water packaged, sold, consumed, discarded. She uses them to make blurred and distorted mirrors, allowing the viewer to accept neglected things and our imperfect selves, to achieve a state of self-reflection and self-acceptance. When you look at them, at first glance you will think these are some interesting mirrors, then on a closer look, you will realize that there is no self in front of you, instead there are many cans, which reminds you of the root of human life.

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