Alessia Marullo
Alessia Marullo (Sicily, 1992) is an Italian artist based in London since 2012. Her current work focuses on mapping transient imagery and languages, focusing on the brain processes involved in memory. She graduated from the Slade School of Fine Art (UCL) in 2023 with a BFA in Painting, to then receive an MA in Painting from the Royal College of Art (2024).
“I think of my work as Diagrams of Thinking. I want to get in touch with the most hidden parts of myself to try to understand what it means to be human, to think, and to feel at different moments in time.
Painting requires you to be vulnerable in plain air, to rip off the masks we are all so used to wearing. In this sense, it’s a recording of a particular moment that can contain as many dimensions as they manifest during that session, including words, non-representational imagery, and states of mind. “
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