Samantha Jiaxuan Wang

Photography (MA)


Samantha Jiaxuan Wang is an artist currently pursuing her studies in photography at the Royal College of Art. Her creative practice spans photography, painting, moving images, and more. Inspired by a range of philosophical perspectives, her work delves into the complexities of human desires, societal constructs, memories, and emotional landscapes.

In her recent projects, Wang explores the intricate relationships between nature, individual identity, space, time, and collective consciousness. Her latest works explore the complexities of information flow and control within the modern information age, revealing the potential and limitations of nomadic thinking. She also examines how information, as a form of power, influences and directs how people think and read. Through her diverse body of work, Wang seeks to navigate the nuanced layers of contemporary society while fostering introspection and dialogue.



Being Nomadic.?

I used a series of symbolic elements to simulate the way of people perceive, receive and use information in the current world. And create the sensory resonances to establish the flow of thought and sensation, providing a possibility of nomadic thinking. Also reflects about the complex relationship between information flow and control through creating new information links. Trying to explore the possibilities and limitations of nomadic thinking and reading under the various restrictions and structure of the highly informative world. I also try to create a structure that make people switch to nomadic reading and reading from linear thinking and reading. At the mean while I control the way they watch, like the society, government, media etc to metaphor the fluidity of information and thought while reflecting on how information as a power controls and influences the way people think.



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