Yujing Huang
Yujing (Eugene) Huang is an illustrator and printmaker based in London. She is dedicated to exploring the state of illustration within contemporary contexts and investigating various methods to broaden its professional scope.
Her art creations always follow a consistent theme: exploring the connection between humanity and the universe. The exploration encompasses various aspects: the dialogue between humans and religious beliefs, how technology shapes humanity, symbiotic relationships with other species, and the exploration of human subconsciousness. Each area provides her with a platform to attempt to interpret the meaning of human existence.
After exploring mysticism, Yujing started documenting the images that came to her mind after establishing spiritual connections with others. She strived to capture these indescribable spiritual experiences and transform the emotions and inspiration she felt during these experiences into visual art pieces. Through this approach, Yujing hopes to inspire deeper contemplation on the essence of life.
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