BK Min

Sculpture (MA)


Byung Keun Min(South Korea, 1997) is an artist who explores the diverse relationships between living entities and creates mechanical devices that embody organic movement, which he utilizes in his sculptures and installations. The movements depicted in Min’s works explain organic qualities through the naturalness that arises from irregularity. He also visualizes East Asian perspectives on nature and art through a contemporary context. 

Born in Seoul, he studied Korean painting in university for 6 years. He has always been deeply interested in life forms, including humans, and nature, often depicting these themes in his works. This interest began to manifest in more diverse ways when he started working in three dimensions. He would directly use natural objects or employ elements and movements observed in nature.

From 2023, he studied sculpture in London, conducting research to present his works as an interactive ecosystem. Beginning with the theories of empty spaces, objects, and the energy of space in East Asian art, he attempted to explain his works as environments where specific phenomena occur, through the discourse that objects can also possess life.


email: 11ho.one11@gmail.com

instagram: ho.1.oh

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