Sangyoon Chung
Sangyoon Chung explores Hauntological escapism and creating alternative space through sculpture and installation. Followed by Mark Fisher’s legacy, He integrates the modern life within the eye of spectre, how past cultural moments continue to influence the present, shaping our perceptions and experiences. His work challenges conventional notions of time and memory, using humour and critical reflection to question our collective cultural experiences. As he continues to develop his work, he aims to further explore the intersections of reality, imagination, and identity, deepening his investigation into what it means to be a spectre in contemporary society.
His current work explores the False Nostalgia, its exploration of escapism focuses on the constructed nature of nostalgia, particularly based on 90s’ Brit-Pop culture. Through immersive sculpture and installation works, he creates environments that blend humour with a surreal, eerie aesthetic, inviting viewers to engage with these alternative narratives.
“The Future that have never arrived.”
Mark Fisher
Instagram: y2323232392
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