Yuan Yuan

Sculpture (MA)


Yuan was born in the peninsular city of Weihai, China. At the age of 18, she moved to London to study at Camberwell College of Arts, embarking on a life-changing journey. Drawing from her childhood experiences and worldview, she uses geometric shapes, numbers, symbols, and codes to construct her understanding of the universe and the world, expressing these ideas through her sculpture and painting.

Her fascination with these elements has always been central to her artistic practice. As her work evolved, she delved into creating her own symbols, exploring their connections to education, communication, and related concepts. During her studies in sculpture at the Royal College of Art, she began to view toys and furniture as minimalist sculptures, examining their potential to convey meanings about memories, interaction, the universe, and societal concepts.

Her sculptural practice aims to bridge the gap between the tangible and the conceptual, creating interactions between the artwork and the audience. By transforming numbers, geometry, and color compositions into a unique language, she investigates the underlying structures of communication and interaction. This exploration is not merely a stylistic choice but a conceptual framework that delves into the essence of how we connect and communicate.

Through Yuan’s art, she invites viewers to engage with the intricate language of her symbols and the abstract narratives they weave. Her goal is to foster a dialogue that bridges the personal and the universal, enhancing audience engagement and allowing for a more nuanced exploration of the core themes in her work.

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