
Inez Madeleine

The text found here is an excerpt from a book form project entitled, Documents of Longing. Documents of Longing is in progress having been started on the Writing MA. The text here is a partial excerpt of chapter (The Fifth Elegy), entitled “And Winter”. 

Documents of Longing could be considered an extended cento, or an expanded cento form. Cento being writing that is composed of quotations, I use this term because the structure of the text is based on the memory of reading. It is the weight and counterweight of references that are grouped to forge the basis for wide emotional metonyms, or rooms. The process of identifying personal metonyms is through accumulation and percolation, it is an interest in details, signs, linguistic catches, and crossings. It is the categorisation of memories into the silo of a single image, an image that then becomes the value of a single emotional action, such as crying. (The metonym room I have crafted for crying is a Snow Room.) These rooms are based off the peripheral workings of memory in our daily lives, like what image flashes before you when the hot gush of an arriving northern line tube hits you, on some days it’s a beech tree with its attendant talking wind. These associations are not explanations, but they are felt knowledge that I implicitly value.

Email: inezmadeleinereeves@gmail.com

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