
I am Huang Yu, born in China Henan Province, in 1999. I am a 2D hand-drawn animator. Ever since I can remember, I have loved drawing. Drawing has always been a central part of my life and has carried so many of my emotions. The soul of an image is something I have always pursued. When I discovered animation, I realized it could bring even more soul to my work, so I came to RCA to study animation.

I love hand-drawing and excel at using lines to express myself. I believe that each line is unique, and by combining these unique lines into a picture or a character, it imbues them with a soul. When these images come together, they form a more layered animation, and creating such works gives me a great sense of accomplishment.

I specialize in drawing animal characters. Besides my love for animals, I believe that audiences inherently attach different labels to different animals, like a colored piece of paper. Adding contrasting personalities or behaviors to these animal characters is like adding contrasting colors to the paper, making the image rich and vibrant. Similarly, this makes the animal characters more full and compelling.

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