
Hi! I’m Jiheng Wang, an Animator and Visual Director. 

For me, Animation is an art without boundaries. I’m committed to experimenting with different mediums to tell stories and express emotions. I have experience with making 3d, paper-cutting stop-motion experimental animation, and 2d narrative animation as well. The inspiration for my films is always from my personal experiences. I explore themes of life, color therapy, family relationships, and the selfishness of human nature. 

In my latest experimental film JOURNEY, I experiment with building a connection between generative art and animation. It shows the inner space of a human being. The main part of the film is a dancer’s movement, acting out a personal emotional journey as the Aura colours and music change. What I want to reflect through this theme is Everyone has their journey in life, or more like an emotional journey, where they have given a lot, succeeded, got hurt, suffered, and maybe never recovered in their life. Sometimes there is no way to fix it, maybe the best thing to do is to try to accept it and try to feel every different feeling, good or bad, because that’s life.

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