
Qianyu Chen is an animation director and environmental artist with varied backgrounds in architecture design, game art, VR experience and virtual production.
Currently focusing on virtual environmental art, Qianyu’s artworks ranging from animated films to environmental art design have been inspired by her research into psychogeography and third places. She always dives into presenting human psychological relations in the virtual environments she created, and the concept of ‘between worlds’ has inspired her into building fantasy realms of separated iconic symbols using the language of architecture.

In the Places Where You Won’t Be Found (2024) is a VR interactable experience alongside a feature film of VR documentation directed by Qianyu Chen. It contains four different scenes with segmented narrations. The players will be an avatar, whose world gradually collapses as time goes, and explore the scenes by entering different ‘cubes’ where the memories of the avatar are stored, meanwhile observing changes within the avatar’s spiritual world and travel across the space to break their own ways towards the outer world.

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