Tiantian Ma

Communication (MFA)


Tiantian Ma is a multimedia and interdisciplinary artist working at the intersection of multi-sensory and digital storytelling.
Her creations involve digital creation, sound, and multimedia installations. Her creative approach focuses on creating different mediums to tell stories.

Dynamic Record — An ensemble with technology

This project explores and redefines the relationship between people and technology. In the Internet age, algorithms are our close companions, but they are also shaped by our personal experiences. In Chinese, the allusion to high mountains and flowing water, 知音 (Zhi Yin), literally meaning understanding music, is a metaphor for close friends.Experience the resonance between the mountains and the flowing water. The artist have created an interactive installation that uses intimacy as a source of inquiry and music as a pull, inviting the audience and the technology to play a dynamic record, exploring the symbiosis with technology and finding our own meaning.

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