
I am dedicated to exploring and solving the complex issues facing the world today through digital means and the art of storytelling. My research interests focus on the intersection of Eastern and Western metaphysics, mystics, and religious cultures.
​In this field, I am convinced that digital media and interactive design are not only tools to express personal creativity, but also a bridge to explore the depth of culture and the world of the human mind. Through a variety of digital mediums, such as virtual reality, augmented reality and interactive devices, I explore how mystics and religious beliefs in different cultural contexts shape our worldviews and behavior patterns. I try to combine traditional occult knowledge with modern technology to provide a new perception and experience for the audience.
​I believe that by combining a deep understanding of metaphysical and religious culture with modern technology, we can find new ways to interpret and respond to the challenges of contemporary society. I hope that in my future career, I will continue to delve into this area and create works that people will think about and resonate with.

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