Boluwatife Kolawole

Information Experience Design (MA)


What lies between the values of cultural heritage, where the lines of identity are blurred, and the what is left is the need to preserve what is slowly fading? This question has long shaped the cultural narratives of my homeland and forms the basis of my artistic practice. 

I am Bolu Kolawole and my work is driven by themes of care and collective kinship, focusing on the rich possibilities of Nigerian maternal culture. I explore how these traditions can be reimagined and integrated into contemporary pregnancy and birth spaces. At its core, my project examines the interconnectedness of birth and culture, constantly evolving and interweaving these elements to uncover new meanings. As a Nigerian-born woman, this journey and project is deeply rooted within me as it is also about reclaiming and immersing myself in a culture I have long sought to hold onto—a culture rooted in community, celebration, and spiritual values. A connection to my heritage drives me to create work that honours and preserves these traditions. 

My project, “Un-Becoming,” is a multimedia installation that combines song poetry, film, and sculptures to explore speculative acts of care. It aims to present new ways for mothers to experience support and nurturing, extending beyond the limitations of modern healthcare practices. Being that I have a background in visual communication, The materials and forms I choose to employ in my work play a crucial role as I often engage with physical elements, emphasizing the significance of touch and tactile objects within the realm of storytelling. 

Unbecoming short film

Iya Ni Wura/Mother is Gold

Mother & The Machine

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