Felicity (Fliss) Clark

Design Futures (MDes)


Fliss is a multi-disciplinarian by nature, a passionate strategist, researcher and futurist, with a background in psychology, finance, strategy and innovation. She looks to combine her natural curiosity with design and futures methodologies to address the ‘wicked’ systemic challenges we face in the world of today and the future. Utilising real-life experiences and conducting deep and thoughtful research is core to her practice, and is fundamental in how she works to enhance the lives of people and the planet. 

At the Royal College of Art, she has focused on carrying out empathetic, co-participatory research using this to guide her design of impactful interventions. Combining this personal approach with her areas of interest and those of importance, she has worked on projects around regenerative design, urban planning, human behaviour change, ethical design and explored the wicked challenges of consumption, environmental degradation and social connection.

In her project, Journey to a Play-full Life she investigates play as a mechanism and skill to build human resilience, recognising that resilience is a critical skill needed by humanity to tackle the complex environmental, economic and social challenges of the future. Inspired by her own personal journey to incorporate more play, joy and creativity into her life, through this project Fliss wanted to showcase the value and importance of play and inspire adults to view and incorporate it as an integral part of adult life. Using ethnographic research and collaborative visioning, she investigates the challenges and barriers preventing play in everyday life, explores the role of play in 2050, and identifies the interventions for the present that are needed to encourage adults to adopt playfulness into their daily lives.

Connect with Fliss on LinkedIn, Instagram or by email.

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