
Haochen Gao is a design researcher and design futurist. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design from Hunan University, where he cultivated his foundational design skills and knowledge. Driven by his passion for future design, Haochen joined the Royal College of Art. Here, he delved into future design methodologies and design theory, with a particular focus on mobility. Haochen actively participated in various future design projects within the mobility sector, continuously exploring the potential and prospects of human transportation in different contexts, both present and future. By employing future forecasting techniques, he aims to enhance the way we travel and move in a constantly evolving world. Haochen is poised to commence his PhD studies at ENAC, University of Toulouse, where his research will concentrate on participatory design and systems approaches within multimodal transportation.

Haochen’s Independent Research Projects is titled “London 2050: Revolutionizing Urban Mobility through Smart Integration and Micromobility.” This project focuses on addressing key urban challenges such as congestion, outdated infrastructure, and environmental sustainability. London Mobility 2050 considers the integration of advanced technologies and innovative urban design to enhance urban flow, safety, and connectivity. By examining current issues and potential solutions, the project aims to create an efficient and sustainable urban transportation system for the future.

Haochen not only developed a comprehensive report for Transport for London (TfL) but also presented his vision at the RCA 2024 exhibition. There, he showcased his design for an autonomous micromobility vehicle, illustrating a more efficient commuting scenario for London in 2050. Through these efforts, Haochen demonstrated how smart integration and micromobility could revolutionize urban transportation, offering a glimpse into a more connected and sustainable future.

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