
I‘m Qingyi Pan, an interaction designer and user experience designer. I’m focusing on how non-anthropocentrism influences and engages with interaction design and is adept at asking questions and challenging reality in a discursive way. Currently, I prefer to deeply understand how anthropocentrism shapes our view of humanity. I also try to challenge the dualism in anthropocentric views from a non-anthropocentric perspective to promote a deeper understanding of the human self and across species, which is ultimately reflected in design ethics and innovation.

In the biological future, the human environment is increasingly dependent on symbiosis with microorganisms. Microbes have more explicit interactions with humans and become a way for people to understand what constitutes their identity. My project Microbe ME takes the microbes in human body odour as the main body of research, exploring whether microbial perfume can help humans re-understand their identity in the future. Finally, new identities and circumstances are observed in a non-human worldview. The project also links microbial perfumes to future dating scenarios, attempting to explore self-identity through microbial perfumes and help people strengthen their social connections with people in future dating scenarios, ultimately addressing social challenges.

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