Qiqi Yang

Design Futures (MDes)


Qiqi Yang is passionate about interaction design and design innovation. She excels at uncovering design innovations from insights and possesses strong logical and divergent thinking abilities. After studying in the Design Futures programme at RCA, she expanded her ability to integrate interdisciplinary areas, systems thinking, and future thinking into the design field, bringing new perspectives to experience design. She has deepened her understanding of sustainability, systems, and design through this IRP project, leading her to delve into interaction design practices from an interdisciplinary perspective in the future.

How might we design eco-friendly leisure trips in 2035 for Gen Z, the first digital natives who love embracing new things?

She proposes a system design solution for 2035 that focuses on local food and dining within the broader context of eco-friendly leisure trips. This project emphasizes an ecology-centered future mindset, where ecological awareness begins with Gen Z dining during their first visit to a city. The sustainable dining actions taken by Gen Z throughout their journey of tasting local food will accumulate in a carbon credit system. These credits can then be redeemed for travel experiences related to the city they visit, reflecting a beautiful vision of a renewable tourism future.

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