Guanzheng Li

Design Products (MA)


I am a product designer from Jiangsu, China, I hope my design can really affect life, centering on our experience and innovating under the premise of practicality. Emphasize the service of products to people.

During my time at rca, I conducted research on work and family life, targeting cat-owning households and working with cat behaviorists to reconcile the relationship between us and our pets in the details of our lives.

As WFM becomes popular, our relationship with our cats can change, sometimes we may get tired of their interruptions.Perhaps when we both make a little concession, it can lead to a more harmonious situation, I want to influence this phenomenon through the design of home spaces, and also makes people think about pets’ needs.

It was challenging and fun at the same time when I hoped to create a more harmonious human-pet symbiotic environment that requires meeting both our needs and those of our pets, rather than restricting their behavior through simple means.

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