
Xiaofan is a product designer and artisan based in Shandong, China. She obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design with the highest honors from Pratt Institute, New York. During her time at Pratt Institute, she was exposed to various design fields and discovered her talent for biomaterials, sustainable design, home decor, and ceramics. She had the opportunity to further develop her knowledge and skills in biomaterials, focusing on color and pattern design, and craft-making during her master’s studies at the Royal College of Art.

For her individual research project, Xiaofan created a series on interior decoration for Asian teahouses using BioCular, a series of gelatine-based biomaterial sheets following up with hand-stitching craftsmanship, which makes it 100% sustainable and compostable. The flexibility and aesthetic values of the combination overcome stereotypes that biomaterials are brownish and plain and make it promising to be applied to various design fields such as interior furnished objects, jewelry, accessories, sculptures, etc.

#SustainableDesign #HomeDecor #Biomaterials #PatternDesign #Ceramics #CraftMaking

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