
Yiqing is a product designer and UI/UX designer with a background in mechanical engineering. She excels at observing people’s behavior patterns, identifying design opportunities, and providing excellent solutions that can unlock users’ potential.

Yiqing has designed a series of products that encourage single-tasking, including the Flodesk single-tasking desk and the Flocube timer lamp. These products aim to help passive procrastinators become active procrastinators through single-tasking. Multitasking is a part of passive procrastination, which can impair cognitive function and increase stress. In contrast, active procrastination involves consciously switching tasks, which can improve work efficiency and reduce negative emotions.

By leveraging behavior during task switching, Yiqing encourages users to consciously differentiate their multitasking, thereby promoting active procrastination. This approach helps alleviate the negative emotions associated with multitasking and improves work efficiency.

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