Yutian WH

Design Products (MA)


Yutian is an industrial designer filled with passion and creativity for design. With a wealth of multidisciplinary and cross-professional skills, she approaches each project with boundless curiosity, aiming to create products that seamlessly integrate aesthetics with functionality, enriching users’ lives in meaningful ways. In every project, her unique design style can be seen, leaving an indelible mark of originality on her creations.


AphroHerb introduction:

AphroHerb is a series of products focused on home treatments using medicinal plants. It includes modules for growing plants and an innovative machine for distilling oils. This ensures full use of plant materials, reducing waste and promoting sustainability. This innovative home distillation machine allows users to produce oils at a very low cost with high purity and quality. Users can make with different medicinal plants according to their needs.


Website: https://www.whyt-design.com/

Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/in/huangyutian-wang-77249929a/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whyt_yutian.design/

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