Biying Chen
Biying Chen, a 2000s-born designer and illustrator, focuses on the theme of “Human.” She explores human relationships with nature, culture, and technology, seeking commonalities among communities. Believing fashion is an expression of inner thought, she reflects on the present and imagines the future. Inspired by daily life and social observations, her designs provoke thoughts on environmental protection, technological advancement, and humanistic care. She aims to break traditional fashion paradigms, making fashion a tool for thought and a bridge for society.
The project is called THE 3rd SPACE and is inspired by the author’s experience of her own blended family beliefs. In this project, the author expands the space of exploration to the level of human consciousness and perception.
Under the trend of an increasingly diverse social system, how the individual will be shaped, how communities will be connected in new ways, and how the diversity of society can be presented. In the future, when virtual reality and physical reality are becoming more and more synchronised, will there be a new symbolic space to show the diversity and commonality of people.
The author uses abstract artistic expression to show her thoughts and imagination on this topic.
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