Christina Zhu
Christina Zhu is a multidisciplinary designer based in Shanghai and London, specializing in accessories that incorporate metalwork, resin, plastics, and traditional Chinese lacquer techniques. After earning her degree from the Jewelry & Metalsmithing department at the Rhode Island School of Design, she co-founded Studio Copula, a Shanghai-based jewelry brand, with her twin sister and two partners.
Building on her extensive industry experience, Christina pursued an MA in Fashion at the Royal College of Art to deepen her expertise in accessories and fashion artifacts. Her latest collection, “A Twin’s Farewell,” explores the intricate relationship between twins, identity, and possessions through funerary accessories. Drawing inspiration from traditional lacquer work, this collection delves into societal expectations, personal experiences, and shared memories that often obscure the true nature of twinship. By integrating fragrances inspired by memories into these accessories, Christina creates a multi-sensory experience that transcends the visual, evoking deeper emotional connections and exploring the essence of life, death, and the unique bond between twins.
ins: @christinazhu43
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