
Quinnie (Qinwen Yan) is a womenswear designer based in London. Quinnie often observes the expression of female characteristics from the perspective of personality consciousness and narrative. She prefer to further think about the observation and mutual perception in relationships. Quinnie transforms abstract consciousness concepts into silhouettes that fit women through visual art. She adept at studying the emotional value behind womenswear through draping and tailoring. The low-saturation colors and materials give the overall visual elegance and intellectuality.

Quinnie comes from China. She received a bachelor’s degree in Fashion design from Heriot-Watt University and a master’s degree in Fashion from Royal College of Art.


The theme of this project is to study the interactive projection of self-awareness, and aims to help build the female personal consciousness space through womenswear.

-As a female designer, I hope to design based on my personal narratives and conduct experiments with other women to deepen these women’s understanding of their own projections. Observe their relationship with the environment while building a self- awareness space. In general, the independence of women’s self-awareness needs to be based on the control and observation of their own emotions.-

-This is not just a personal project, but a design for every woman in the target community based on my personal narrative. So during the research process, I always conduct critical feedback with my design objects and gain from visual experiments. I hope to help women build a space for personal awareness. In this space, consciousness projection can be observed and supported interactively, providing women with greater awakening power.-


Email – quinnie9797@163.com

Instagram – @quinnieyan

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