Yue Qin

Fashion (MA)


Yue Qin
A footwear designer.

I am passionate about exploring the textures and properties of leather, metal, and other materials. My work focuses on the innovative combination of these diverse materials to bring vitality and unique character to footwear products.

A pair of dress shoes for wheelchair users.

In formal settings, the primary purpose of shoes for wheelchair users shifts to complementing their attire and providing foot support. Therefore, I envisioned integrating the shoes with the wheelchair’s footplate, making the shoes an extension of the wheelchair itself. I chose the classic black Oxford style for the design, constructed with Goodyear welt craftsmanship to meet formal standards.

I reimagined the shoe as a container for the foot, drawing inspiration from how boxes open to develop the structure. The entire assembly utilizes stainless steel bars and aluminum alloy brackets, allowing for adjustable fitting to accommodate different shoe sizes.

While I may not have a perfect solution at this moment, the crucial aspect is bringing this issue into the public eye, highlighting the needs of people with disabilities. It’s not their physical limitations that truly confine them but the world we have designed exclusively for the able-bodied. This so-called “perfect world” acts like an invisible cage, trapping those with disabilities. To create a more equitable society, we must use design to break these “cages.”

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