Lucie Legrandois

Innovation Design Engineering (MA/MSc)


“A human-&-planet-centered octopus”

Lucie Legrandois is an eclectic and energetic creative. She is both a mechanical engineer and a passionate transdisciplinary designer.

Motivated by fixing people and the planet, her innovative work conveys strong social and sustainable values. She is particularly interested in the relationship between humans and their environment. She delivers both problem-solving projects and more open explorations, with a noticeable interest in playful and educational content.

Her final project at the RCA, TOUPY is a toolkit developed for therapists working with survivors of sexual assaults, to regain confidence in connecting with people. It was co-created to tackle the lack of physical therapy in the last phase of trauma recovery – reconnection and integration into society – with a collection of objects: Balou, Bridget, Oba, and Tac. This project, at the intersection of movement therapy, social circus, consent games, and haptic interaction, opens a new kind of research in design for psychological therapy.


Supported by:

The Pokémon Scholarship, The Pokémon Company (2023)

Industrial Design Studentship, The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 (2023)

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