Canxin Liu

Textiles (MA)


  • Artist Statement

Chinese mixed media artist Canxin (Chris) Liu (b. 1995) delves into the post-urbanized human condition through his evocative artwork. Deeply influenced by his upbringing in the Chinese countryside, Chris’s work reflects his unique worldview, values, and perceptions. His artistic practice is dedicated to liberating entrenched narratives of the past to understand their impact on the present.

Chris’s artwork explores themes of nature and oblivion within society, examining the very people and objects that shape our communal experience. These elements may symbolize the potential future of society. By doing so, he challenges audiences to reflect on the intricate relationships between individuals and society, the interplay between nature and human activities, and the possible directions our future society may take.


  • Project: Seeking Order

In “Seeking Order,” Chris hypothesizes the future transformation and evolution of human life forms, contemplating the potential replacement of carbon-based life with silicon-based life. This project provokes profound questions about the nature of life and human identity: Who are we? What will we become amidst boundless technological advancement? What constitutes true “life”?

Utilizing discarded rubbish and organic materials, Chris has created a sustainable and degradable wood panel, which he then burns into Charcoal to serve as the main material. This artwork, designed to be buried and degraded post-graduation, symbolizes the cycle of life and embodies the essence of his concept. Through this piece, Chris explores the consciousness, emotions, and existence of potential new life forms, aiming to provoke thought about human identity and the future of life.


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