Louisa Muir-Little

Textiles (MA)


Louisa Muir-Little is a Knitted Textiles Designer. Within her practice she creates playful knitted fabrics exploring colour, technique and materiality. By pushing and combining different knit techniques she aims to create innovative, tactile knitted fabrics.

During her Master’s at the Royal College of Art Louisa has continued her knit exploration, developing her practice towards acoustic textiles for interior architecture. She has been exploring the link between architectural surfaces and knitted textures recreating architectural forms into tangible objects through the medium of textiles. Louisa has always found architecture really inspiring from a knitted textile perspective. She perceives the 3D structures and shapes within architecture as very tactile material surfaces.

This project demonstrates how knitted fabrics could be applied to our surroundings as textile structures in an interiors context improving acoustics and creating tactile environments to enhance the use and experience of indoor spaces.
Through carefully crafting knitted textiles they can have a role in interior architecture. Knitted textiles are often under-represented within interior textiles however they have a lot to offer. The materiality of knit can provide acoustic benefits by absorbing sound it can help to reduce noise within our surroundings. Durable, structured knitted textiles can be deployed within interior architecture to enhance the use and experience of indoor spaces.

In this increasingly digital world it is important to reconnect to the physical world around us and Textiles have a huge role to play in this.

Supported by the Coats Foundation Trust Award & The Textiles Society Student Bursary.

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