
Lucy Bishop is a textile designer studying at the Royal College of Art, originally from Cheddar in Somerset. Through mixed media, embroidery and use of alternative materials, she hopes to show the fragile beauty in vulnerability and subtleties of life and nature, often overlooked or underappreciated.

Inspired by the curious relationship between love and the abject, Lucy’s multi-layered compositions draw on narratives which unite memory with landscape, seeking links between light blemished clouds, bruised skies and skin, wounded or wrinkled. Visually decoding her own poetry describing an unprovoked knife crime, she explores physical and metaphorical scars in nature, material memory and fabric as skin. Originally from Somerset, her imagery is guided by the area of Cheddar Gorge, a literal scar on the landscape, and the surrounding Mendip Hills. Exploring the delicate balance between desire and repugnance, her work hopes to transform subjects viewed as uncomfortable or of temporal beauty to challenge notions of perfection.

Supported by the Haberdashers’ Scholarship.

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